Free – Illustrator Folk Art Border Pattern Brushes

It’s been a while since I made a new freebie. Here’s a set of illustrator pattern brushes to play with. They are for personal use only, or if you want to use them commercially, buy a CU license in my shop. Unzip the file, and put the file inside your Illustrator>Presets>Brushes folder.
Free Photoshop brush set: Sailor Jerry tattoo designs

Sailor Jerry (real name Norman Collins) was an innovative and highly respected American tattoo artist. Traditional tattoo designs are still a big design trend, so here’s a taster of the style. Do NOT use these designs for any commercial work or resale – they are strictly for personal artworks and inspiration only. Respect the copyright!
Free: Old Timer Vintage Farm AnimalVectors, PNG & Photoshop brushes

These farm and animal vectors are useful for designing vintage style old timey posters, leaflets, invitations or digital scrapbook pages etc. The set is for personal use, or you can buy a commercial license here.
Free – Lino Cut brushes for Illustrator

You can use these free vector brushes in Illustrator to simulate a lino printing (or linocut) effect. Put the file into your Illustrator > Presets > Brushes folder. For personal use only, or buy a commercial license in my shop.
Free – High Res Grunge Banner Photoshop Brushes

These grunge banner Photoshop Brushes are great for web sites, and for print too. There are 17 brushes in the set. Personal use only or you can buy a commercial license here
Free – Fancy Edge Border Photoshop Brushes

This free set of 25 Photoshop brushes are all just over 1000 pixels wide. Great for adding interest to invites, stationery, web headers and banners, or creating scrapbook frames and elements. Personal use only, but no credit required. If you would like to use these brushes commercially, you can buy a license here
Free – Dot Dash Illustrator pattern brushes

Time for a freebie.. dotty and dashed Illustrator brush set. Put these in your Adobe > Illustrator > Presets > brushes folder. For personal use only, or buy a CU license here
Free – Day of The Dead brush set and PNGs

Mexican day of the dead skulls.. Free set of 10 brushes and a pack of transparent PNGs. For personal use only, or buy a commercial license here.
Free – Vintage Scratch Photoshop Brushes

11 Vintage scratch/grunge texture brushes. The were made from old 1960s scratched up photographic slides, so are completely authentic! Ideal for laying over patterns to create a vintage look, and good for web backgrounds and banner making. For personal use, or you can buy a commercial license in the shop
Free – Illustrator wedge brushes

This brush set for Illustrator is really useful for making swirls, swooshes and decorative curls.