InDesign Script – Auto rename all paragraph styles


Managing paragraph styles in Adobe InDesign can be a very tedious task, especially when you’re dealing with lots of different styles and formatting changes. This Paragraph Style Renaming script should help you. This script automatically updates the names of your styles based on their formatting properties -like their font, size, weight, and alignment. It will save you time and keep your documents a lot more organized. Help file included.

What This Tool Does

Look at this… too many to go through manually right? What a pain.

This script automatically renames all your paragraph styles in Adobe InDesign based on the formatting you use. It looks at the font, size, weight, alignment, and color, and gives each style a clear name that reflects those properties. This makes it much easier to manage styles, especially in big documents.

How to Install and Use the Tool

Step 1: Install the Script

  1. Download the Script: Get the JavaScript (.jsx) file for the Paragraph Style Renaming Tool.
  2. Locate the InDesign Scripts Folder: Open Adobe InDesign and go to Window > Utilities > Scripts. Right-click on User and select Reveal in Finder (on Mac) or Reveal in Explorer (on Windows).
  3. Add the Script: Copy the downloaded .jsx file into the Scripts Panel folder that opens.

Step 2: Run the Script

  1. Open Your Document: Make sure the InDesign document you want to work on is open.
  2. Run the Script: Go back to Window > Utilities > Scripts. In the User section, you should see the script you just added. Double-click it to run.
  3. See the Changes: All your paragraph styles will now have new names that describe their formatting. For example, if a style uses “Space Grotesk” font, size “30”, and is centered, it might be renamed to:H4 Space Grotesk Bold 30 Centre White

Why This Is Useful

  • Saves Time: No more manually renaming styles when you make changes.
  • Keeps Things Clear: The names show all the important details, making it easy to see which style is which.
  • Consistent Naming: Makes working on documents with others easier because everyone can quickly understand the style names.

Things to Remember

  • Run It Again if You Make Changes: If you change a style (like the font size), run the script again to update the names.
  • Automatic Updates: The tool only works on styles that have been applied in the document, and skips the default [No Paragraph Style].


  • Not Working? Make sure your document has paragraph styles applied. The script only works on actual styles, not on text without styles.
  • Errors? If something goes wrong, the script will log an error. You can check the console for details.